Saturday, August 06, 2005

Umm, sir? When is check out again?

Ok, I have been around my share of death in my life. I have known family, pets (who are family), adults, kids, friends, mentors, co-workers who have all passed on. I wont get all theological on you here we can do that another time. If you have ever had to sit down with a head checker, one of the questions they ask is how long do you think you will live? If you ever want to make them nervous tell them an exact date and time, and to add icing to the cake give them a method. "November 14th in the year 2079, it will be gruesome!" Granted you should only do this if you really like talking to the head checker, because you probably will have several more visits after that. Or you can whip out your web phone or PDA and go to and show him/her the answer.

1 comment:

KL2GY said...

Dear davenelson1970 .?.
I am reminded by the HAL 2000 to state, What are you doing DAVE? I dont think I like what you are doing... Please don't spam here.