Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Loot

Several of my friends this christmas received IPOD's. They are cool and woth some of them you can do soem realy neet things. I however realy dig the musical dice. above is an imaage of the MobiBLU, in black. Why do I like this? Lets look at the size:

I rest my case... It is cute, small, and holds a few tunes, then when the tunes get old, you can then turn to the radio (built in FM tuner) Or, aww shucks, here is the pitch....:

At only 1 inch in size, the MobiBLU Cube is the world's smallest, full-featured digital audio player! Imagine:

1. combining hundreds of songs,

2. a voice recorder,

3. clock,

4. calendar,

5. sleep timer and more.

All into one little cube smaller than a ping-pong ball. You've just imagined the one-of-a-kind MobiBLU - a breakthrough in portable entertainment.

Every MobiBLU features a single multi-function mini jack that allows USB 2.0 connectivity (for faster music downloads),

1. stereo audio output,

2. battery charging and headphone/earbud/antenna connection.

3. And playing time? An incredible 8 to 10 hours on a single charge.

Smallest MP3 Player in the World Measures less than 1 inch cubed and weighs less than an ounce!
OLED DisplaySelf-emitting blue OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display provides superior sharpness, and a bright, easy-to-read display
WMA (Digital Rights Management)Download and play purchased music; works great with Music Downloads!

FM Radio Receiver and RecorderLets you listen to and record FM programming. Listen to your favorite programs over and over or save it on your PC!
* USB 2.0 Flash DriveCan transfer music files at blazing fast speeds AND can be used as storage for other types of files
* Voice RecorderBuilt-in, high-quality microphone allows you to record notes, a class or interviews for your memoires
* Five preset EQ modes:Normal/Rock/Jazz/Pop/Classic; you can also create customize equalization to suit your taste
* SRS WOW 3D Surround Sound and BassEnhances your music listening experience
* File Navigation System and Unlimited Folder CapacityPlays MP3 files saved in multiple folders; those files and folders can be selected and played as if in a Windows environment
* Easy & Convenient Built-in Clock With Date DisplayHelps you get there on time - on the right day!
* Sleep TimerFall asleep to your favorite tunes or radio station without worrying about having to shut the MobiBLU off
* Built-in Lithium-Ion BatteryNo extra battery or external charger is required; easily recharged by connecting into the USB port on your PC
* Resume FunctionAutomatically restores previous user settings and track location when the unit is powered ON in case of sudden power down
* Firmware-UpgradeableWhen new functions for the MobiBLU are developed, you'll be able to download the updates necessary to enjoy them on your MobiBLU player

Only draw back is that it has only a Gig of sorage, but DUDE.. This is to coo. All under $140.00...


Cool New Toys

Tiny Hard Drive Revolutionizes Media Storage
The revolutionary StorCard, to be available in the second half of this year, is the exact size and thickness of a credit card and can contain from 100MB to more than 5GB of data. At first glance, it looks like a credit card and even has a magnetic strip like a credit card, for potential use in standard credit card readers.

The hard drive data, however, is accessed on a tiny spinning disk inside the thin card. This spinning wheel made of Mylar is engaged when the card is inserted into a StorCard Reader, a USB-connected drive or PC Card that reads and writes to the StorCard. The Reader is expected to retail for under $100 and the cards for under $15 each.

Amazingly, the on-board processor contains integrated software controls that can encrypt data securely in real time. The StorCard - like a credit card - is extremely flexible, without risking damage to the data it contains. Because of its high capacity and inexpensive price, the StorCard will be a viable solution for consumers and businesses. It will provide high performance to quickly handle large amounts of data and will support a volume sufficient to stream media files and could even store material that previously would fit only on a DVD.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Weird Fact of The Day

Weird Fact Box to the right. Yes I too am waiting for the information to change. I dont have the heart to remove it quite yet, in fear that the information might change and I will miss it.

- TV

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Things that go Swoosh....

Nike has finale done it. They have tried before to enter the entersizement (entertainment and exercise mushed to make a word) field. Check this out, it is an arm band that you can fit your iPod Nano into and listen to music while you work out. I guess warring a belt during your work out is just not acceciptable any more. Me? I just turn on the radio and let the entertainment cabinet hold the radio. What is that? Ha Ha Ha (yes I am LOL!) what do I listen to when I am running? Normally the words, "Stop or I'll shoot." Running outside is over rated, People I use a treadmill, that way I am closer to the Fridge! Anyway, for about 40 Clams (US) you too can provide some one with a desire to play in traffic with a musical arm band.

Arm band naked:

Person having too much fun warring arm band:

Naked Person:

Hay!!! Get your mind out of the gutter, This is a family blog........

- TV

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Things that go ouch!

Sharp objects are more terrifying than bullets: A new horror movie survey says that impaling is the most common way for celluloid evildoers to do away with their victims.

The new Web site surveyed 100 of the most popular horror movies produced since 1975. It found more than 1,700 violent acts, with nearly a quarter of those involved victims being impaled.

The most violent film was 2003's "Freddy vs. Jason," with 167 violent acts, according to the site. Steven Spielberg's 1975 film "Jaws" came in a surprising second, largely because of the number of times the great white shark chomped into its victims.

Honorable mention went to Tim Burton's 1999 film "Sleepy Hollow," which featured 27 beheadings.

Oddly enough, the "Halloween" films didn't receive a mention.

- TV

Monday, November 28, 2005

Things are not as they seem.

So I was driving down a fairly major road in Anchorage, when I Observe a little vehicle seemingly having some issues, the vehicle is failing to maintain their lane of travel ( weaves in and out of its own lane), and is doing well under the posted speed limit. I watch the vehicle for a few blocks and think that it may be an impaired driver, and then call the Local PO-PO. They get all of the information that can be had, make / model - Plate - description of driver (all I could see was the top of a head cresting over the top of the drivers seat - the hair looked like that of a female), and with in minutes an officer pulls in behind the suspected vehicle and goes into affect. The car pulls to the left and pulls a u-turn into a parking lot. Then I see it, the driver is more than likely someone's grandmother. She advised the officer that she does not like to drive in bad weather and is trying to take it easy. Nuff said 10-8.

Now I can see this conversation around the dinner table:
"Mom, how was your day?"
"Fine Fine, met a nice man on the road after he pulled me over for DUI. Some other jerk on the road thought that I had been hitting the egg nog a little soon and called the Fuzz on me."
"Wa Wa What!"
And the conversation continues with what ever else you think could go on.

Ever notice how people who drive faster than you are jerks & people who drive slower than you are idiots? - TV

Saturday, November 26, 2005

FBI / CIA E-Mail Scam

IF it says it's from the US Central Intelligence Agency or Federal Bureau of Investigation, avoid it like the plague.

An e-mail is going around, claiming to be from the CIA or FBI. And if you open it using Windows, you'll be in big trouble. It's being called the worst computer worm of the year, The Washington Post reported, and lots of people are falling for it.

The bogus e-mail claims the government has discovered you visiting 'illegal' websites and asks you to open an attachment to answer some official questions.
If you do, the worm gets in and your computer gets infected. It can disable security and firewall programs and automatically send similar e-mails to contacts in your address book.

It can also keep you from getting to computer security sites that might help fix the problem, and may even open your computer to intruders who can steal your personal data. The e-mail even includes an authentic phone number for the FBI or CIA. And that has kept government switchboard operators busy in the US.

The worm - named Sober X - has spread so fast that the CIA and the FBI have put warnings on their websites saying they did not send out the e-mail and urging people not to open the attachment. In Europe, the Austrian investigation agency is looking at a flurry of similar bogus e-mails sent in its name. 'This particular virus is a mass-mailer worm and is the largest one we have seen this year,' said a senior official at Symantec, which sells the Norton AntiVirus software. 'It's as bad as it gets. With this particular type of virus on your system, there is a high probability that your personal information will be stolen.'

A virus-research manager at McAfee said his company, which also makes anti-virus software, had logged more than 73,000 consumer computers reporting detection since the worm was discovered Monday. British e-mail security company MessageLabs said it has intercepted more than 2.7 million copies of Sober X and its variants, noting that 'the size of the attack indicates that this is a major offensive'.
this is a geek BOLO
- TV

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Urban Legends :-)

I do truly like a good Urban Legend, Here are some that I have recently run or re-run across:
A student at an elementary school found a gopher snooping around near the janitor's shed. The kid carefully picked it up and brought it to the janitor. The janitor decided to kill the gopher so that it wouldn't be digging up the grounds. He took it into a room where the cleaning supplies were kept and sprayed a strong floor cleaning solvent on the gopher. Three cans were used on the animal, but he was still very much alive wasn't allowed on campus, so storage rooms were the only places he could sneak one. So very annoyed and tired, the janitor lit up a cigarette. This, of course, caused an explosion and the janitor was the center of it. He was badly injured from both the explosion and inhaling the floor cleaner gopher was found clinging to the wall unharmed.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - Deep Breath - ha ha ha ha ha ha... Go Gophers.!. People if their is cause to place an animal to sleep DO NOT BE CRUEL, take them to an animal center or hospital. Or Else......
Swimming in New Orleans -
After hurricane Katrina caused levees to break in New Orleans, the city was exposed to waters inhabited by saltwater crocodiles. As people swam for land and cover during the days waiting to be rescued, some were dragged under by crocs that where too large and lethargic to go after their normal prey. The usual prey was being snatched by the more youthful crocs. Instead of competing with the young crocodiles, the bigger ones prefer the slow swimming of a human. Only the bigger ones have proven to be dangerous. The smaller ones do, however, go after house pets and small children.
Found this one a few years ago, and it has umm uhhh come back around.?.
Years ago while lying in my hammock I noticed my dog dragging something under the fence. Upon inspection, to my dismay, I realized it was the next door neighbor's 10 year old daughter's rabbit.For years I had watched her come home from school and head straight out to it's cage, free it and play with it in the yard. I knew today would be no different and fearing for our dog, I had to think fast.The rabbit was dirty, so I washed it off with the hose, combed it with the dog brush and blew it dry with the leaf blower. Upon finishing its grooming I jumped the fence and replaced it back in its cage hoping its death would be written off as "natural causes". Back to the hammock.Within the hour the neighbors Volvo pulled in as usual and out popped the little girl, and as usual she headed straight for the cage. Only this time she stopped about six feet away and screamed: "DDDDAAAADDDDYYYY!"Her father panic stricken stood looking at the cage. Being the good neighbor that I am I rushed to fence and asked if there was anything I could do.Her father less than calmly blurted, "What kind of sick bastard would dig up a little girl's dead rabbit and put it back in it's cage?"
Hunting Story
Some guys had heard of a good hunting spot, but needed the permission of the owner of the property. One of them went up to the farmer's house to ask if they could hunt on his land. The farmer agreed and told him that while he was out there, could he shoot the bull in the pasture for him. The hunter agreed. He decided to play a little joke on his friends and when he got in the car he told them the farmer had said no, so they were going to have to teach him a lesson. He pulled up to the field where the cows were, got his rifle and killed the bull, and said "That'll teach him." His friends jumped out of the car laughing, grabbed their guns and shot several cows before the dismayed joker could stop them.As they paid the farmer for all the cows they'd killed, he told them that if they wanted to do some more hunting, he had some pigs out back that were a lot cheaper than cows.
Do a Self Exam...
A women who had been in south America had been stung in her breast by a tropical insect. When she got home a few weeks later she started having breast pains. She went to her docter who said it was problably a rash and gave her a cream. A week later the women came back complaining that the pain had only gotten worse and that the cream had done nothing. The doctor recommended her one of his friends who was a specialist in breast cancer to see if he could help but unfortunately he was on vacation for two weeks. The pains got so bad the lady bandaged her breast. She waited the 2 weeks for the doctor to come back and went to see him. When she told the doctor the problem he told her to take the bandages off her breast. When she did to their amazement were about 9 holes in her nipple area in each a larva crawling inside. Apparently the insect had laid its eggs in her breast and they had hatched and began to feed off the fat and even milk tubes in the women's breast. The doctor immediately had her taken into surgery were they removed the larva. They found that the holes in her breast were up to 5cm deep.
Not the right Dog
A young lady was invited to visit a very rich old lady's house one day for tea. She nervously rang the bell and the butler showed her in. Right away she noticed a large dirty mutt chewing the furniture enthusiastically. As she had her tea and was shown around the house by the old woman, she couldn't believe they let the dog behave the way it did. The dog chewed at the furniture, ripped the curtains and relieved himself on the carpet. The young girl didn't say anything of course, assuming that besides being rich, perhaps the old lady was also eccentric. As the woman walked her to the door she said: "I hope you'll come back again sometime, but next time PLEASE leave your dog at home."
Be carefully what you bring home!
A rich old woman was visiting Mexico when a small ugly dog approached her on the sidewalk. She couldn't resist his sad eyes, so she took him back to her hotel and fed and bathed him.For the remainder of the trip the lady and her dog were inseparable. When the time came to return home, she smuggled the small dog over the border so she could keep him.Within a few days he got sick and she immediately rushed him to the vet, but there was nothing that could be done, he died in the office. After she stopped crying, the grief-stricken woman asked the vet what kind of dog he had been. The shocked vet looked at her and said: "Lady, that's no dog, it's a Mexican Sewer Rat!"
If you are still with me, these are but just a few, Maybe more next time eh?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Blog Spamers..

Again I know that I am wasting my time with this, however...

They say that my time is your time, not any longer.... Now I shall say your time is my time and not the Blog Dumpers...

In an effort to make this a more enjoyable site and not have you read too many:

"Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the blog administrator.
October 31, 2005 5:19 AM"

I have added (again) a word verification system to the blog. I know it hutrs, however if you let your fingers do the walking you can walk it off. Sound harsh? If you want to receive information on how to "get hot chicks," or "refinance your home for only $0.99" or "hot gal on gal on gal on guy on sheep action", let me know I am sure that one of the search Eng's can help out, however I don't want that crap on the blog.

until the next comment or temper tantrum...
- TV

Monday, October 31, 2005

Hmmmm, Postcards that come in Black Plastic...?

Image may or may not be of real Ummm "assists" no no Product For sale, ON THE POST CARD..

Sexy postcards won't have stamp of approval? Wed Oct 26,12:53 PM ET

The "Girl from Ipanema" may soon have to cover up, at least if she wants to appear on a postcard in Rio de Janeiro.

Postcards of bikini-clad beauties frolicking on Rio's famed beaches could be banned from sales in the city's shops and newsstands in an attempt to discourage sex tourism.

The Rio state assembly approved the ban on Tuesday night, and state governor Rosinha Matheus has 30 days to ratify it.

"These postcards ... attract to our city the wrong kind of tourist and promote deplorable sex tourism," said the bill's sponsor, deputy Alice Tamborindeguy.

"I hope the governor sanctions this proposal because otherwise we are doing a disservice to the state and showing disrespect for women."

Postcards of lithe and tanned women in bikinis on beaches such as Ipanema and Copacabana are ubiquitous at sales points in Rio. The image was immortalized in the bossa nova song, "Girl from Ipanema."

With its sun, sea, mountains and sultry lifestyle Rio is a popular tourist destination. But prostitution is also rife, and the United Nations and other groups have expressed concern that it is growing as a magnet for foreigners seeking cheap sex.

Last March the Brazilian government launched a campaign to stop the sexual exploitation of minors by tourists, which including involving hotels in cracking down on their guests.
How would you react if a buddy sent you a post card wrapped in foil?

{Photo from: }

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Cat Nap?

Suspect in W.Va. Break-In Found Asleep Fri Oct 28, 5:35 PM ET

A suspect in a break-in at a veterinarian's office wasn't hard to find. He was sleeping in his office at a neighboring business and allegedly had some stolen items in his pockets.

Chad Lee Mays, 26, of Malden was charged Thursday with breaking and entering. Mays owns a tire shop next door to the Kanawha Boulevard Animal Hospital in Charleston, according to a criminal complaint filed in Kanawha County Magistrate Court.

Charleston police responding to the break-in saw a tire shop employee outside that business early Thursday morning, waiting for it to open. The employee said Mays was inside sleeping.

Mays told police he had heard an alarm go off at the veterinarian's office but did not see anything. He then said he needed to use a restroom and walked into another room where Patrolman S.S. Midkiff saw a computer similar to one that had been reported stolen, the complaint said.

Police searched the suspect and allegedly found cash and vials of veterinary drugs in his pockets.

Mays was being held Friday at South Central Regional Jail in Charleston.

Information from: The Charleston Gazette,

Those Cat Naps will get ya every time!
- TV

Friday, October 21, 2005

What about the twisted moose?

Landing in Alaska? Fear moose collisions no more
Fri Oct 21,11:15 AM ET
Pilots flying into and out of a small airport north of Anchorage, Alaska, no longer have to keep an eye out for stray moose on the runway. The municipal airport at Wasilla, a town about 40 miles north of Anchorage, has installed an electric anti-moose mat around the airfield. The barrier, similar to grated cattle guards on ranches, aims to prevent collisions between aircraft and the area's large moose population. "They'd feel a shock and they'd also hear a snap. Those two things would cause the moose to not go in there," said Archie Giddings, public works director for Wasilla. Airfield workers regularly had to chase the large ungulates away and moose have proved adept at getting through the gates of the airport's conventional fence, Giddings said.
A bull moose can weigh 1,000 pounds and stand 6 feet high. "If they ever did come to the runway and have a collision with an aircraft, that could be disastrous to the pilot," Giddings said. "An airplane could disintegrate if it hits a moose."
Or the area moose will learn to like it and all park on the mat.
Dead man gets parking ticket
Fri Oct 21,10:38 AM ET
Australian authorities have apologized to the family of an elderly man who was given a parking ticket while he lay dead in his car in a suburban shopping center. The 71-year-old man, known to be seriously ill, went missing nine days ago and his body was found in his car in a shopping mall car park in a Melbourne suburb, police said. A parking ticket had been placed on the car the day before his body was found. "It's just tragic. It must be just so sad for the family and we extend our sincere sympathies to them," local mayor Paul Denham told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio on Friday. "The circumstances surrounding the location of this poor fellow must make it all the harder for the family. It is simply a case of the parking officer not noticing."
So .... Do they still have to pay the fine?
- TV

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Snow Bunny?

Have your attention? One Playmates stand aganst KFC.

Nice thought, however...

New gadget to make theft of mobile phones harder
Thu Oct 13, 2:42 PM ET
Finnish scientists have invented a device to make it harder to steal mobile phones and laptops by enabling them to detect changes in their owner's walking style and then freeze to prevent unauthorized use.
The VTT Technical Research Center of Finland said the device, which is has patented but has yet to sell, could prevent millions of portable appliances being stolen every year.
"A device is equipped with sensors that measure certain characteristics of the user's gait. When the device is used for the first time, these measurements are saved in its memory," VTT said in a statement.
The gadget would monitor the user's walking style and check it against the saved information. If the values differ, the user would have to enter a password.
"Compared with passwords and traditional bio-identification, the new method is simple: confirmation of identity takes place as a background process without any need for user's intervention," the researchers said.

One problem I see with this is that as some one is being chased or, is thought be being followed, your gate changes, you go from your normal la de daa, mode to a defensive mode. I wonder if the phone would still lock and prevent you from calling for help? Hmmm, I will need to see more data. I still think a fingerprint scanner would be a better option on the phones, some computers are putting them in.

- TV

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Odd little smiles...

Some of the things that I do while, hmmm how does one say this, spending valuable time on the internet ... Is visit on line cartoons. What I like is that these cartoons are also in the paper, however you can go back and review the last months toons here. 2 of the toons that I like are

link icon & link icon

9 Chickweed has changed a little, however I have been reading it for so long that it still holds my attention. Someone just jumping in on the toon, it may be a little strange.

Get Fuzzy is just Odd, I like it that way. Check them out, let me know.

- TV

Saturday, October 08, 2005

This fire truck brought to you by ...

STOCKERTOWN, Pa. They may not be able to change their tires in less than 20 seconds, but Stockertown's fire department is looking for something decidedly race car-like: sponsorship. The tiny borough of 650 residents bought a fire truck but hasn't been able to scrape enough money to pay for it. So the fire chief and the City Council president dreamed up the idea of selling advertising space on the fire truck. So far, no one has signed on. /

Hmmm I wonder why, Hay Match makers, would you be interested insponsoringg our fire truck? Or how about, Hay Local Liquor store, would you be interested in sponsoring our DUI program?

Yes, Yes, Yes I know, now here in the above clipping do they use any of the examples that I have used here however, how would you like to be the business owner of "ABC Demolition" and have a reporter standing by a fire truck (reporters like flashing lights) with thebillboardd "Brought to you by ABC Demolition while at a fatality accident, or a house or business fire. Not so much thank you. How do you also let visitors know that this is an ad and not an endorsement for said business. Just some thoughts. What do you think.
- TV

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Who gets to blow out the candles?

Expect a big birthday party next year in the Greco household. Suzanne and Michael Greco celebrated their shared birthday Saturday by welcoming their first child, 8-pound, 8-ounce Maxwell Allen Greco. ''We're wondering what the odds are of having the whole family born on the same day,'' said Vicki Greco, Michael's mother. ''It's just amazing.''

That is just weird.
- TV

See Alaska be fore you die (B4UDIE)

I am mixed about the following promo drive to get people to come to Alaska. Check out the article:

personally I like the fact that we can strech out and not knock the block off of our neighbor. Or that one can pass gas (fart for the younger generation) with out the neighbor calling and say "Liver & Onions again eah? LOL, I used to have a friend who used to say "ampersand" instead of "And" .. Kind of funny Kind of strange. Anyway YOU Tell me, would this billboard make you want to rush home and pack your bags to come to Alaska? Until next time...

- TV

Monday, October 03, 2005

Blog Dumpers...

Ok, it may just be me however I do find it cool when I post and suddenly I see some one has commented to the post. It is like Christmas time and some one has left a present under the tree, I hit the post and find that it is not a gift, it is a flaming bag of Poo - Poo called E-spam. What the heck! Don't I already get enough E-mails from estate members of wealthy bankers or country men that have passed on, been kidnapped, or 'taken out' who want to share their 40,million dollars with me just out of random chance because my screen name seamed nice. Please I would get these e-mails if my address was:

rather than (duh, not real addresses)

Not born yesterday people.

It all comes down to this, have you used or would you use the anti-e-spam devices that are out there? If some one was using a device that made you verify that you are a real human behind the keyboard and not an automated mass mailer, would you take the extra step to place a posting or just clear them from your favorite places? Let me know what you think. Unless it is that I should enter into a time share deal, for a next to nothing price, you can just hang on to that one.

That is the rant... yup, that is it. If you are a real person and have posted, thank you I am interested in hearing/seeing what you have to say/type. Lets keep it up.
- TV

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Reminds me of Humpty Dumpty ... In A Good Way.

Care to Comment? I thought that this was cool, however I think that I would like to driving the frying pan that, of course, is sold seperatly...

New concept car: a rotating egg on wheels
Fri Sep 30, 3:46 AM ET -

Tired of all those three-point turns? Nissan Motor could have a solution.
Japan's second-biggest auto maker has developed a concept car featuring an egg-shaped cabin atop a wheeled platform that can swivel around 360 degrees, doing away with the need to reverse when emerging from narrow spaces.
"With this feature, parking in tight spots is a cinch," chief designer Masato Inoue told reporters at a sneak preview of the bubble-shaped, three-seater electric car this week.
The car, named Pivo after the word "pivot", operates on an experimental system called drive-by-wire, which eliminates the mechanical linkages between cabin and chassis to enable steering, braking and shifting through electronic signals.
The system is the car's version of fly-by-wire technology, which has controlled commercial jets for more than a decade.
Nissan will showcase the Pivo at the Tokyo Motor Show, which opens to the public on October 22.
At the preview this week in Zama city, near Tokyo, a driver slid the 2.7-metre (8-foot) long Pivo into a tight imaginary parking spot, then rotated the cabin with the push of a button to face "backwards" to come out of the space in one motion.
"With the Pivo concept, we want to demonstrate the myriad possibilities that drive-by-wire could achieve," Inoue said.
Shiro Nakamura, Nissan's celebrity design chief, said on Friday the real-world application of the concept could be but a decade away.
"Who knows, in 10 years our March (or Micra, subcompact car) could look like this," he said at a media event at Nissan's showroom in Tokyo's Ginza shopping district, where the car was being prepared for display to the public.
Other auto makers such as General Motors and DaimlerChrysler have also developed drive-by-wire concept cars featuring cabin interiors that resemble cockpits.
Quirky concept cars are always crowd-pleasers at international motor shows, which auto makers use to show off next-generation technology and draw attention to their newest production vehicles.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Justice Deserts?

PUKE PUNISHMENT FOR VOMIT ASSAULT(Kansas, AP) - A Kansas high school student convicted of battery for puking on his Spanish teacher will spend four months cleaning up after people who throw up in a police car. A judge said at sentencing that he considered the incident an assault on the dignity of all teachers. The teen vomited on the teacher on the last day of classes at Olathe Northwest High School, outside of Kansas City. The boy's lawyer says his client had been nervous about his final exams but other students testified he'd planned it in advance. The teacher says he felt "sort of stunned" when it happened, and notes the student was failing his class.
All I have to say is Yuck...

Police in San Diego are searching for a gunman who swiped a bag of poop from a woman out walking her dog. The woman told police that she was out walking her dog, Misty, when a man in his 20s ran up behind her and grabbed the bag she was holding. When the gunman discovered what was in it, he threw it down in disgust.
I think that a De De De would fit here nicely...

(Image not of actual Dancer/Model)
A city ordinance bans complete nudity at all gentleman's clubs in Boise, Idaho, but one club, Erotic City, has challenged that ordinance by distributing pencils and sketch pads to patrons during "art night." The ordinance does give nudity exclusions for artistic displays which include dance, ballet and dramatic performances, so every Monday and Tuesday, the club encourages customers to sketch the models as they perform nude routines. "As far as the Boise city code, it specifies it has to be a serious artistic manner and this is a serious artistic manner," said Chris Teague, Erotic City owner. The club has put on art night for two months, and Teague said he has not received any complaints. Boise Police officials say the club has not been cited for any ordinance violations.

- TV

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Out on a limb .. er extremity?

Has the Media come to this? Let's out those that we believe have been augmented and make them prove that they have/are not? On another note do we really care or is it like a train wreck, you don't want to look however you have to...

This photo supplied by Warner Bros. shows supermodel Tyra Banks, right, getting a sonogram from an unidentified physician's assistant to prove that her breasts are not fake on her new talk show during taping in Los Angeles on Friday, Sept. 16, 2005. Dr. Garth Fisher from ABC's 'Extreme Makeover' performed a 'touch test' and after the sonogram concluded, 'Tyra Banks has natural breasts; there are no implants.' The show aired on Tuesday, September 20th. (AP Photo/Chris Polk,Warner Bros.)
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Supermodel
Tyra Banks'
underwent a sonogram on her own television show to quell rumors that she had breast implants. But first she ordered all the men out of the audience, a spokeswoman for her program said on Wednesday. Banks, 31, told the audience for her syndicated talk show on Tuesday that she was tired of rumors that her breasts were fake. "It's something that's followed me forever and today I'm going to finally admit once and for all the truth about my breasts," the Victoria's Secret model said as she removed her push-up bra from underneath a T-shirt. She took a break and returned wearing a bathrobe and accompanied by plastic surgeon Garth Fischer. He and an assistant performed a sonogram in front of the audience that was broadcast with certain part of Banks' anatomy blacked out. Fischer said, "I've performed approximately 8,000 breast implant surgeries, I've examined you, I've reviewed your sonogram ... and Tyra Banks has natural breasts." Banks added, "By no means am I against plastic surgery, by no means am I saying that breast implants are a bad thing, but it's just not a choice that I made ... it's something that a lot of people think I have and that is so frustrating to me."

Please, is it any of our business? What are the boundries of a person in the publics eye life public and private? Another artical that I read advised that all the gentlemen in the studio were outted and the studio was then only left with female on lookers. To what extent will 'Stars' have to go to to prove, or dis-prove things said about them. OR is this just someting for Sweeps? Groan.. What to you think on this. Am I just being craby? Have to run, and watch the show over again... Untill next time...
- TV

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ever have one of those days?

I personally hate days like this.... Especially when you are mid stream, can't get out of it and can see exactly where it is going to lead... *Sigh*

- TV

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remember ...

Not to harp on history, however their are some things that we need not forget. I was brushing my teeth when the phone rang, a voice said that we have been attacked, and advised me to turn on the TV, it does not matter what channel, almost any one will do - the voice on the phone was my Mother. I did as she asked. I stood their tooth brush hanging out of my mouth trying not to get toothpaste on my tie, grabbing the remote and then just looked at the TV, processing what I was watching. The time was a little before 6 am Alaska time 10 am in New York, the second tower was just about to fall and another plane was still out their somewhere. I hurried through my morning duties to report to work at 7am wondering what the day would bring us, all while keeping one eye on the TV. As I got to work I "MacGyver'd" an antenna to the training TV so that we could receive broadcasts about the attacks during the day. A sobering day for all of us. Our thoughts and Prayers still go to family's and friends of those that were lost, and training continues to help protect the rest of us from seeing another attack.


Day is done, gone the sun, From the hills, from the lake, From the sky. All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.
Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, May the soldier or sailor, God keep. On the land or the deep, Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, Must thou go, When the day, And the nightNeed thee so? All is well. Speedeth all To their rest.
Fades the light; And afarGoeth day, And the stars Shineth bright, Fare thee well; Day has gone, Night is on.
Thanks and praise, For our days, 'Neath the sun, Neath the stars, 'Neath the sky, As we go, This we know, God is nigh.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Laughed so hard I lost 3 pounds, then I had to change my shorts!

A while ago I ran across a site that ran you through the day to day life of the stick figure man that does all of the warning signs that you see. It was rather an interesting interview.

Oh, go ahead, Click on the sign...


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Need to Know Love...

Over the past several years I have had comfort in a few things, one is my faith, my family, and my wife. When everything else goes side ways those are the things I know will always be there. We have been married now for almost 9 years, and have known each other for a total of 15. We became friends, dated, became engaged, and got hitched. Considering every thing that we have been through, I would do it all over again in a heart beat. No Questions Asked. The Love I feel for her is ingrained. (I so could sound like a stalker now) Her beauty still astounds me. There is a song, "She don’t know she's beautiful" that wraps up a part of how I feel, and has some cool music in the background to. But more than her appearance is just her - Here is another stolen line, She completes me. When I lie awake at night I can look over and just watch her sleep; the colour of her eyes - is my favorite colour; the sound of her voice - makes my heart skip a beat. In short I guess I am glad she fell in love with me, before someone else, because I know that I then would be, still looking for her. Don’t like mush, too bad. It is what is on my mind, and I just wanted to say it. - TV

Monday, September 05, 2005

Friendly Tag

Tagged or Touched in the head? ----\/
I was tagged By my friend Eric:

What I was doing 10 Years Ago Today:
I was living in a little suburb north of Anchorage called Eagle River and running sled dogs with my fiancé’ (now wife). I was working 3.5 Jobs, not because I had to, but because I had to. 1) as a Operations grunt for a local TV station, 2) A DJ at a radio station conglomerate, 3) at a Pet store as a sales person and where house worker, 3.5) operating my own audio production company doing voice work. Oh I also did on call Security work.

Five Years Ago:
I was embraced by Emergency Services, as an Emergency Dispatcher for one of our city’s 3 Police Departments. Now married I am still working 3 jobs, 1) @ the PD, 2) Still DJ’ing 3) still running the audio production co. Also active in one of the towns local Toastmasters clubs.

1 Year Ago:
Still in the embrace of Emergency Services, and have almost a year under my belt as a trainee dispatcher with the local fire department, departed their and went back to police dispatching for a while. Still happily married to the same beautiful person.

Kicked back and watched Sahara and Monster In Law, We were both taking it easy and my wife was feeling under the weather, Flu like bug.

Going to try to get more rest as I did not do such a good job at it last night. Need to clean the studio some more and get some of my framed photos on the wall instead of being in a pile on my desk. Need to see what the weather is going to be like to see if I can put out the flag.

The numbered things are in no particular order --

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Candy!
2. Pie!
3. Smoked Cheddar cheese
4. Chips
5. Steak

5 Bands That I Know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs:
1. Styx
2. YES
3. Boston
4. Petra
5. Monty Python 

5 Things I Would Do with $100,000,000:
1. Pay off debt
2. Look closer at Motor homes (Mini-Winnies / Realita etc)
3. Save – Put a big bunch in a fund for our Animals or just us someday
4. Learn to Fly
5. Add on to the studio

5 Locations I Would Like to Run Away to:
1. Closer to my Grandparents
2. My studio
3. Home
4. to be determined
5. to be determined

5 Bad Habits I Have:
1. Popping my knuckles
2. Dispatchers Turrets, Think it = say it, then think about it.
3. Prejudging people (however that has save my hinny a few times)
4. Not keeping up with my friends
5. Procrastination. It should have been first but I couldn’t get around to it.

5 Things I Like Doing:
1. Listening to my wife.
2. Coming up with new ideas
3. Laying on the couch watching bad movies
4. listening to music
5. Singing in the car, church, etc

5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1. My hair in a bun
2. Spandex
3. Leg warmers
4. Pimp Coat
5. Naughty piercing

5 TV Shows I Like:
1. ER
2. Third Watch
4. Anything Animal Planet / Nat Geo / Discovery Channel
5. Family Guy

5 Movies I Like:
1. Radio
2. Full Mettle Jacket
3. Documentaries
4. Shrek, Finding Nemo, Ice Age ect. Etc.
5. Movies which make me think for days about them

5 Famous People I Would Like to Meet (off the top of my head):
1. Neil Armstrong
2. Patrick F McManus (done it)
3. John Wayne
4. Al Roker
5. God

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. My Wife
2. My Family/Animals
3. Music
4. My Work
5. I like to, um, help people.

5 Favorite Toys:
1. My Studio
2. Sony P.S.P.
3. Cameras
4. computer equipment
5. Rotozip

5 Favorite Toys I Want!
1. Canon D-2
2. A killer PDA – Tungsten E3 or Like
3. Blackberry Phone
4. Heart pulse/o2 monitor
5. Motorcycle

The point is for the tagged individual to post their answers on their blog and tag other people if they so choose, much like a very friendly chain-letter.

I will now take a moment of silence for Sally ...


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Does Size matter?

I saw this news report and followed a few links and wound up here. Then the phrase hit me: Does Size matter? :-)
I personally use flash USB drives, and have one or more with me 'most of the time' okay okay, all of the time, now that I know that it is Bling, My posse and I can sit back with our pocket protectors and Bling Bling around our neck. Next we might go wild and get our Cisco Systems or Novel/Lunix tattoos. Hay the penguin is darn cute! I can see geek stickers for our Segways now "I read your e-mails", or "Watch Out I Reverse Engineer For Fun!" and "I'm Blogging this". Oh Oh, How about our horns ringing out "GEEK GEEK" instead of beep beep!. Our options are endless.
Be afraid not to laugh at this, we are the ones that you call when your computer gives you that lovely blue screen. Humor us.

Monday, August 22, 2005

It has been How Long?

Good heavens! I have been out of touch longer than I expected. The summer has been great, despite having t work. I did want to toss a post out to advise that I am alive and well, I will be reposting again later today.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Umm, sir? When is check out again?

Ok, I have been around my share of death in my life. I have known family, pets (who are family), adults, kids, friends, mentors, co-workers who have all passed on. I wont get all theological on you here we can do that another time. If you have ever had to sit down with a head checker, one of the questions they ask is how long do you think you will live? If you ever want to make them nervous tell them an exact date and time, and to add icing to the cake give them a method. "November 14th in the year 2079, it will be gruesome!" Granted you should only do this if you really like talking to the head checker, because you probably will have several more visits after that. Or you can whip out your web phone or PDA and go to and show him/her the answer.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I must remember to only use my power for good...

Your Hidden Talent
You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!

What do you have?
- TV

Monday, July 25, 2005

So Much For Rest In Peace...

When did rest in peace become rest in pieces, so that we can build you and take you apart and move you from place to place and show you off? That has been Sue's story. Now however she is on display in Rockford Il, and will be getting a playmate. For the last few years now work has been done to preserve Sue's little friend Jane. She also will be on display at the same location that Sue is and the presentation is called "Jane: Diary of a Dinosaur". What not the Victoria Secrets story you thought it was? Shame on you. Jane was 11 when her demise caught up to her. For information on the complete story please visit: CNN


Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Several years ago I was turned to the Darwin awards, I think some one challanged me to out do the posts listed. I declined. If you dont know what these are go to
and take a look around. If nothing else you might get a good lesson or 2 out of it. - Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What Is Art?

A friend of mine and I were discussing Art and qualifications to be such. We resolved our issue in stating that art is something that can make a persons mind evoke thought of likes, dislikes, and other emotions. His argument prior to that was that a flaming bag of dog poo on the driveway was not a prank then, but(t) art as it invokes emotion and reaction. I am still working on a response to this, however I also do not expect to see some remove a print of a photograph that I have taken and stomp the living daylights (or nightlights) out of it. What are some of your feelings of what constitutes art? Hmmmm…

Friday, July 08, 2005

Minds Eye...

Ever since I was a shorter lad, photography has been a big part of my life. From my first Kodak Hawkeye Brownie, to building a Kodak 110 camera. I have shot, and developed several forms of film (also to include moving film, video and professional video), and now on to digital. I am pulled to the lure of being able to capture what I see, and broadcast some of that to others. A vision, a glimpse, and action or an emotion, I tend to always have a camera in hand, it is remarkable the feeling to be able to stop time with the sound of a shutter. To be able to capture the essence of a moment, and share some of those with you is my goal. Over the up coming days, weeks, and so on I will attempt to share some of the sights that the viewfinder presents.

Some of the shots may make you smile, Be Inspired, Shed A Tear, or just let you see someone elses point of view. Some may view this as a socal experiment others may just look at it as just another image. I look at it as a way that I can share God's great works. If the images touch just one of you, then I say "Job well done, now lets try it agen."

TASER Spark / Sun n Trees


More Images will follow, however I must say that all images are copyrighted. If you wish to use them please feel free to post to me and I can then get you a clean copy.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Thank you...

I am so thankful for the freedom that we enjoy!

  • The ability to go out for a drive, and not worry about detention and oppression for merely being in the open.
  • To be able to go out and take a picture.
  • To be able to speak freely, on topics of my choosing.
  • The ability to agree or disagree with those around me and those that we appoint to lead us.
  • To have the ability to challenge "authority".
  • To be able to be a part of "making the rules".
  • To work the job(s) of my choosing.
  • To have been able to marry the person of my choosing.
  • To be able to have rules to live by, the free will to break them, and guide lines regulating the reparation if those rules are broken.
  • I am thank full that we live in the land that we do.

(partial list)

I appreciate the cost of those who helped make it this way, al-be-it not perfect, however improving (some of the time) if you were a part of that, let me take my hat off to you and take a moment to say a heart felt THANK YOU.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

If I were a movie, what one would I be?

Ok, it is true. I have been so busy recently that I have resorted to Pre-fab blogisms - sorry. The tests are fun, and hmmm, do they tell the truth? Can you handle the truth!?. Let us see.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

With or With out Pulp?

Am I surprised? No, not truly...

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?
You are the king of smooth -- enough said.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I laughed, I almost, almost cried.

The folowing was lifted from an e-mail I received. Now, I can attest to the findings of this report as I have been T.A.S.E.R.'d , lets just call it a work related event. When I read this I laughed so hard I almost had tears joging down my face. any way Here is the stolen story:

My wife was fond of saying that my last words on this earth will be something like, “Well, I have FINALLY outdone myself.” No doubt you will see this true story chronicled in a Life Time movie in the near future.

Here goes: Last weekend I spied something at a pawn shop that tickled my fancy. (Note: Keep in mind that my “fancy” is easily tickled.) I bought something really cool for my wife. The occasion was our 32nd anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my sweet girl. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized Tazer gun with a clip. For those of you who are not familiar with this product, it is a less-Lethal stun gun with two metal prongs designed to incapacitate an assailant with a shock of high-voltage, low amperage electricity while you flee to safety. The effects are supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, but allowing you adequate time to retreat to safety.

You simply jab the prongs into your 250 lb. tattooed assailant, push the button, and it will render him a slobbering, google eyed, muscle-twitching, whimpering, pencil-neck geek. If you’ve never seen one of these things in action, then you’re truly missing out–way too cool!

Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded two AAA batteries in the damn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was so disappointed.

Upon reading the directions (REAL men don’t need any stinkin’ directions), I found, much to my chagrin, that this particular model would not create an arch between the prongs. How disappointing! I do love fire for effect. I learned that if I pushed the button, however, and pressed it against a metal surface that I’d get the blue arch of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs that I was so looking forward to. I did so. Awesome!!! Sparks, a blue arch of electricity, and a loud pop!!! Yipeeeeee!!!

I’m easily amused, but for your information, I have yet to explain to my girl what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave.

Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn’t be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, etc There I sat in my recliner, my dog looking on intently (trusting little soul), reading the directions (that would be me, reading, not the dog) and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh and blood target. I must admit I thought about zapping the dog for a fraction of a second and thought better of it. She is such a sweet pup, after all. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want SOME assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong? Was I wrong to think that? Seemed reasonable to me at the time.

So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, Tazer in another. The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water.

All the while I’m looking at this little device (measuring about 5″ long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference, pretty cute really, and loaded with two itsy, bitsy AAA batteries) thinking to myself, “no friggin’ way!”

Friggin’ way!!! Trust me, but I’m getting ahead of myself. What happened next is almost beyond description, but I’ll do my best. You have a pretty good idea of what followed.

I’m sitting there, alone, the dog looking on with her head cocked to one side as if to say, “Don’t do it buddy,” reasoning that a one-second burst from such a tiny ‘ole thing couldn’t hurt all that bad (sound, rational thinking under the circumstances, wouldn’t you agree?).

I decided to give myself a one-second burst just for the heck of it. (Note: You know, a bad decision is like hindsight– always twenty-twenty. It is so obvious that it was a bad decision after the fact, even though it seemed so right at the time. Don’t ya just hate that?)

I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and HOLY SWIS CHEESE! I’m pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the front door, picked me up out of that recliner, then body-slammed me on the carpet over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, nipples singed, testicles nowhere to be found, soaking wet, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position. The dog was standing over me, making sounds I had never heard before, licking my face, undoubtedly thinking to herself, “Do it again! Do it again!” (Note: If you ever feel compelled to mug yourself with a Tazer, one note of caution. There is no such thing as a one-second burst when you zap yourself. You are NOT going to let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. Then, if you’re lucky, you won’t wedge one of the prongs 1/4″ deep in your thigh like yours truly.)

SON-OF-A-Motherless Goat, that hurt! A minute or so later (I can’t be sure, as time was a relative thing at this point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace. How did they get there??? My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, as my bottom lip weighed 8 ounces give or take an ounce. By the way, has anyone seen my testicles?

I think they flew away. I’m offering a reward. Yours Truly.

some wording has been modified, for the more sensitive {Mom would be proud}. Just a side note on a real T.A.S.E.R. (Tom A Swift Electric Rifle) you do get a great spark display, helps folks know that you mean business. There was no disorenitation just a feeling of "MAN, don't let me tork that thing off".
I laughed I almost cried, Hay what are these 2 little probes, awwwww shucks.... time to say hi to sparkie... TVG

Monday, June 13, 2005

They are coming to take me away!

Ok, not really however there are days - there days... I have been away recently, and it was great! Road trips are a wonderful thing. I may even post some pics later. I am pleasantly surprised by a gift of the Sony PSP. This is a nice little device: Movie viewer, Picture viewer, MP3 player, Portable Game Player, portable fun.
The screen is sharp, I mean crystal clear. The availability of games and videos is improving and they are fun to play. I mostly use it for the MP3 and Photo display. If you are looking for a portable gaming device, go for it, if you can buy it and not eat soup and peanut butter sandwiches for the next 6 months. TVG

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


You Are Very Honest

You tell it like it is, no matter what.

Even if the truth hurts, you'll dish it out.

And while some may get hurt by your honesty...

At least everyone knows where you stand!

Friday, June 03, 2005

What does your Birth Day Mean

Your Birthdate: June 3rd

Being born on the 3rd day of the month is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.

The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.

There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.

Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.

You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.

You are affectionate and loving, but sometimes too sensitive.

You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Ok, I fall among those who enjoy the rants of comic Steven Wright. To think out side the box -ha ha - is a little out their, and I love it. I think my thinking nearly committed my sister when we were younger. We would be on a long drive and I would talk about the theory of space growing, and asking how one would know when they reached the end of space due to Einstein’s theory that you would just wrap around and eventually end up where you started. Was there a wall that you would find? If you hit a wall, all walls have 2 sides right? What is on the other side of the wall - Something right, so space continues, not stops there. Mind you I was 6 or 7 when I was bothering her with this.

Steven has a way to see the same thing:

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.
What's another word for Thesaurus?

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section? "She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose

If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that considered a hostage situation?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

Why isn't the word, 'phonetically' spelled with an ' f '?

Why are there 5 syllables in the word "monosyllabic"?

I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.

I'm at Sea World at a seafood restaurant. I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my Gosh.. .. .. I could be eating a slow learner.

I was born by Cesarean section. But not so you'd notice. It's just that when I leave a house, I go out through the window.

Trees that grow in smoggy cities are needed to make carbon paper.

I've been doing a lot of abstract painting lately, extremely abstract. No brush, no paint, no canvas, I just think about it.

Ok, Thank you Steven for thinking out side of the box, and making some of the others just start to think. Last thought for Geeks "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don’t"

Saturday, May 28, 2005

People Who Talk In Circles..

I hate it when people talk around in circles. I keep wondering how these people function! I received a call on our business line of some one having heard shots fired one fine evening, the caller reported that it sounded like it was a few blocks away, large caliber nothing further. So then we back up to square one, where are you, stated more like
"What is the address you are calling from?"
The response was "My apartment"
"What is the address of your apartment?"
"214 what?"
"apartment 214"
"what is your street address?"
"what street are you on?"
ok I can see from this line of questioning that we were getting nowhere fast. Soooooo
"if some one were to send you a letter where would they send it?"
"Oh, I have a PO Box"
- Ever have one of those days that you just want to hang up and just go home. so with every ounce of strength I resist banging my head on the console and ask "does your building have a name like the Smith apt?"
"Oh, Yah the ABC towers"
Thank Heavens a location that we can work with. "Where did you hear the shots being fired?"
Resist the head banging - RESIST THE HEAD BANGING "What direction out side?"
"Out the Back."
"Do you know if that is north, South, East, or West? - Never mind toward what streets were the shots fired."
from that point the caller was able to give lat/lon coordinates, elevation, wind speed and how many birds flew to the NNW at 18 knots from the sound of the shots.
When the call was concluded, dispatched and resolved as a car being worked on and having backfired, I just looked at the phone console and mouthed "Why Me?" Then the phone rang again, No one was on the line, it think it was fate just taunting me.
Granted a great deal has been edited here for length and such, however I hope you get the idea.
I love my job, I love my job, I love my Job.
- TheVoice

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Site Meters, a Voyeur's Voyeur?

What an idea, back track the people who are tracking you and your thoughts! I have to Laugh! HA! Is it necessary? it is kind of a voyeur’s voyeur, (lets see how many hits the word Voyeur gets). What are your thoughts on site meters? Till next time - TVG

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Out and about

Biking seams to have taken us by storm this year. After the first ride wounded muscles mended quickly and it is off and running again. It was funny, as we were out on the trail we passed several common spots of our former hobby of dog mushing. We would pass a trail and say "So that is what it looks like in the summer." Normally we are running past it at 20 - 25 Mph on the runners of a dog sled, or going much slower while actually running with the team. Nun the less we are not looking at the surroundings other than to make sure a moose in not stepping out on the trail. On the bike it was a much more relaxed jont through the woods. We did not see any wild life other than a bird or two, However I did get a shot of a sign, "WARNING - You are traveling in Bear country"

Can you tell what kind of bear left a pile behind? Sure, here is the trick, Black Bears leave berries, and Grizzly (Brown) Bears leave piles with little bells in it from the hikers the have eaten. Their is food for thought...

- The Voice

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Are we their yet?

Have you ever noticed.. Normaly I dislike this as an opening statement, as you sit back and think: You are looking for common ground to talk to me about, If I say yes then we can be friends, if I say no then you get to emite your supirior knolege to me and explain what I have been missing. Their is no way out of this kind of a questing unless you are good at faking heart problems. With that said:
Have you ever noticed that going some where you want to go, or leading out on an expidition of the unknown is always more fun then leving the adventure? My Wife and I went on a great bike ride this past week, on a path that we have not been on till that day. We were rideing along having a wonderfull time, then we hit the half way point. Crap, we have gone quite a distance, we are only half way back right now. Then as we are treversing the trail back to the starting point the question comes up: "Are we their yet". Okay, Look you were with me when we started right? An ailien did not jump out of your skin and then then get replaced by another one hiding behind the tree we passed a ways back right? Does this look like we are their yet? It took us 2 hrs to get here, now we are only 5 min into the ride to get us back to the start." Of course all of this is thought with a smile, as I have become wiser to actually SAY any of this. Why is it that going is more fun than getting back? Now mind you their are a few exciptions to this: 1) the dentist 2)the Proctologist 3)the mechanic 4)your friendly OBGYN. Get the idea? Needless to say the line of "We are a little more than half way back" seamed to stiffle too many more Are We Their yet questions and insted transfered them back to the both of us going we need to get into shape to be able to get into shape! All in All it was a fun ride, we know a few areas to avoid now, and will i am sure enjoy the rides in the future. - TV

Monday, May 09, 2005

Twist your eyes...

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, itdeosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsatltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a totalmses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihsis bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteterby istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?

You laugh? This is what my wife gets to proof read for me :-) - TV

Another Hand or Mind.

There are times when it seams that their is too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I took a moment today and quickly counted off the irons that I had in the fire at that moment. Without thinking too hard I was able to come up with 9 things that I was actively working on, that moment. That was not to include listening to the three conversations going on around me. It seams crazy, like life is just screaming by, however remember this was a Sunday and I was not at the office. To me this was CALM, and I actually had time to sit back and count that I was working on. Is it odd when one feels that sensory deprivation is only having 5 things going on at once? Perhaps today’s title does not match my dribble today, let me redirect you to the last sentence of the last post, and I will add, "Eat your Pudding!" - TV

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Seclusion Abandoned,

I was hesitant about posting as I am a creature who likes to live in an anonymous status. However here we go. As this is titled it will be ransom thoughts, just what ever is on my mind. The A-ADHD, we will leave for the people in the know. If you use some of the gray matter that was given you and if you watch TV in these years you can probably figure it out. I will ease in to this and just add thoughts when I feel in the mood. So there, (insert favorite saying here) Mine is "Deal With It." - TVG