Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Get your reading in....

If you notice to the right of the screen, I have added a verse of the day, Flash refresher provided by www.biblegateway.com

It felt great, I got a moment to go to the movies and watched Happy Feet, I was not sure what to expect when I went is and that I think was best. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, and got some annoying tag lines to bother my wife with. :-)

I also was able to check out Flushed Away, again not what I expected, I was a little concerned when I saw the theater empty out and realized that the swarm of people that left in total was 5, and 2 of I believe were too young to speak... Cute movie, I am now a little concerned with what rats can do to barbie dolls... Go see it, you will laugh, and you may want to go out and pick up a green sweater for your other half, and pick up a tux for yourself.

(C) 2006 Dreamworks
Cute flicks the both of them.
Happy Holidays,
- TV

Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Holidays

OK, disregard what I said earlier, I will be a silent sam a little longer. I did however want to hop in and wish you a happy holiday season.

- TV

Saturday, October 07, 2006


And that was a mouth full. I recently was at a friends funeral and found that my friend had a lot of things going on in his life that most people had no idea about. A few I did, and I learned a few things as well. I knew that he had a fondness to Cigars, I did not know the extent of his fondness however. He squirreled away boxes of stogies, not to excess but enough that he did not have to run to the store for a bit.

I then realized that I too have areas of life that a fare share of people may not know about. Hobbies that I keep to my self, granted some times the little things slip out, I do not believe that I am a complete recluse (I do however think light is bad, to the point that the airport calls my wife when I am wearing shorts and tells her to have me put pants back on due to disrupting air traffic.)

I go back and forth between letting people see me for who and what I am to leaving a little (Lot of) mystery. I think I like to have the surprises I can pull on my friends, like playing around and pronouncing Wagner, Wag-ner (non German) rather than (German) Just go to the link... Not everyone knows that I have an interest in Theology, and yes I like Quantum Physics and discusing ideas of our buddy Bert, you know Albert Einstein. Partly due to simalar learning chalanges.

However I don't want my friends to find out about who I am at my Wake. I am going to try to get better about letting friends know what I am about before that time. Untill then, From my Buddy: Have a good one, and if it is good, why not have two!

- TV

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Well, with everything else going on, I got ripped off, latterly. Some one decided to take advantage and steal my laptop and a few other items from me. This truly places a damper on my mood. I however am okay and will manage, and thought that I would drop a line and say hay if anyone is still looking over at this. If so thank you.

- TV

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Intermittent Posts

Well, I've been laying low for a bit. Have had several irons in the fire. Between 3.5 jobs, 90 hrs a week, I have struggled to encounter free time to do the things that I like. Everything that I seem to do is a facet of work or training for work. Mind you I am not complaining, I love all that I do, it just becomes a little tiring after a while when you are being brought 8 directions at once. I am slowly training my self to be able to take a break. Take some time to my self. Decompress from the abnormal grind that I call my life. I have yet to take the bike out and just go for a ride, however their are now some new concerns that I may be over dwelling on that may prevent me from doing so, or it may be an over reaction, I will know more with in the next 2 weeks. In the mean time I need some ideas on what to do to relax, what are some of the things that you do to kick up the heels and just say - ahhhh, We should discount sleep from the list right off the bat. The things that I am currently involved in are: Emergency Services Dispatching, Vet Teching, Animal Rescue, Audio Productions, Photography, Animal training, Theology, you get the general idea. So what do you do?

- TV

Saturday, June 17, 2006


This is too cool.



Monday, May 22, 2006

How Time Slides By...

I find it incredible how fast time goes by, granted I am holding down what 3 jobs and working for others almost 72+ hrs a week. No wonder I am having ticker problems. One of the co-workers asked "How I did it?" I honestly don't know, I just do. I sat back and realized that I have been working 7 days a week for the last ... well since August, of last year, 2 days a week it has been 10 hrs at one job and 8 at the next, for a grand total of 18 working hours in an 24 hour period. YKES! Time to slow down. I will have a break come this weekend. I plan on cleaning up the back yard, and getting the truck puring as it should.

I will have to let you know about the heart monitor, but that will wait for a later post. in the mean time if you have time to kill, check out the Official time at www.time.gov and click on your time zone. Enjoy,

- TV

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Checking in...

Their has been a lot going on recently, between working 80 hrs a week, and having a heart condition flair up who knows what is going in anymore. Into the Dr's office to strap on monitor to see if we can catch the thing in the act and determine the severity. Will have more information later.

In the meantime Do you feel like you have reached the end of the Internet? Check out www.randomwebsite.com and have a few clicks.

- TV

Monday, April 17, 2006

Been Away...

Hay what's been going on? I know that I started out strong, and then well kinda disappeared. Guess what baby! I'm back and plan on keeping your eyes busy, first however I am going to occupy your ears. This video is great! If you don't like it, well what can I say, but blue light special on taste, go get a couple of packs. :-) Have fun and enjoy this bit.

- TV

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Pet...

adopt your own virtual pet!

This is great! This little friend found me and wanted a place to live, as luck had it I was able to give him space here. He is well cared for and if you are nice, you to can play with him. Just move your mouse around him and he will follow it. Have fun and Play Nicely.
- TV

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Gotta Dance!

The folowing link is impressive. The subject dancing has a condition that hampers bone and mussel growth. His moves are quite impressive.

Lazy Legz

Lazy Legz

Watch Video

- TV

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Great videos!

A friend of mine sent me this, it is a video of Chris Bliss doing some awesome Juggling.

Juggling Video

Here is another that I like, Ya know the dog is now confused.

Dog Trick

after clicking on the links you will be taken to the MSN Video site.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Alright already!

Okay, Okay I know that it has been a while, and you may have to wait a little longer for the words of wisdom to roll off of my fingers to your eyes. Hmm for some reason I got the Larry, Mo & Curly vision when they duel finger pop each other, don't ask me why. It has been an interesting month, a very busy month. I have hardly had time to sit and work invoices for my other life. No I am not a pimp daddy, however thanks for the thought.

I am reminded of a Blog written by a friend of mine, about how things happen I
n The Blink Of An Eye. Some times things take time to happen, however the end result looks like the blink of an eye, and feels like getting kicked in the yo-yo's.

Before rumors start flying, Nothing that I am dealing with has anything to do with the contents of Eric has writen of. My wife and I are well and doing fine, work(s) are fine, however I have lost a dear, dear friend and am working though it. (here is an ironry on the computer playing is (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult at (
www.launch.yahoo.com) on the radio side.)

Word of wisdom:
Honor those who have passed on by continuing to live.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So this explains it...

Milky Way's warp caused by interloping galaxies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The Milky Way is warped -- like a bowl, a saddle or the brim of a fedora hat, depending on when you look -- and a pair of interloping galaxies may be to blame, astronomers said on Monday.
Earth is in a fairly non-warped neighborhood, because it lies relatively close to the center of the Milky Way's disk, said Leo Blitz of the University of California, Berkeley.
But the far-flung reaches of the galaxy could be caught up in a warp of as much as 20,000 light-years. A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year and a standard astronomical measurement.
To figure out what causes the warp, Blitz and his colleagues analyzed hydrogen gas emissions in the warp area, and found that not only is the galactic disk bending, but it is vibrating like a drum-head, in three distinct ways.
One mode is like a bowl, with the galactic plane bending up all around; another is like a saddle, and the third is like the brim of a fedora hat, bent up in the back and down in the front, Blitz said at a briefing.
The various modes of warping correlate closely with the orbit of two satellite galaxies, known as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, that make a looping orbit around the Milky Way. As they go, they plow through a halo of dark matter that encircles the Milky Way, scientists said at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
Dark matter is invisible, but it is definitely something to be reckoned with, since it makes up 90 percent of all matter in the universe. Normal matter, which is everything we can see and feel, makes up the rest.

Why is it warped?
Scientists have known about the Milky Way's warped nature for half a century, but they never knew the cause. The Magellanic Clouds were previously dismissed as suspects because they lacked the mass to influence our galaxy in their 1.5 billion year trip around it.
While the Magellanic Clouds' mass is small, they pass through the dark matter like ships going through an ocean, creating a cosmic wake powerful enough to make our galaxy bend and flap, Blitz said.
This model could also explain the warps in other galaxies. "The warping is very, very common," he said.
Besides being warped, the Milky Way turns out to be voracious, pulling in a galaxy that was detected with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which studies huge swaths of sky.
Robert Lufton of Princeton University, whose team discovered the big, dim feature, called it a "large pathetic galaxy" with a mass comparable to a cluster of stars, much less than the Milky Way.
One such star cluster that had been pinpointed as the source of mysterious blasts of X-rays and gamma rays was found to contain a bumper crop of big stars known as red supergiants, said Don Figer of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Red supergiants are big old stars that bloat up to 100 times their normal size before exploding as supernovae, and Figer said the X-ray and gamma ray blasts were released in supernova explosions.
Copyright 2006
Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Find this article at: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/space/01/10/space.warp.reut/index.html