Saturday, July 14, 2007

One of my most loved peices of music - tweeked...


One of my most loved writings of music is 'Kanon und Gigue in D-Dur für drei Violinen und Basso Continuo' or in English Canon and Gigue in D major for three Violins and Basso Continuo or most commonly known as Canon in 'D' by Johann Pachelbel. It is a remarkable piece if artistic music, and can stir the soul in most folks. Think Hay Jude - slow start then goes to head banging - love that one also that is from the radio days due to it being a 6 min and something song and it gave me time to run to the head. I have heard several variations to the piece and some of the them go a bit over board and some hit it dead on. I will admit this one took my by surprise, why don't you take a listen and let me know what you think, I will reserve my comments until a later time - save that the video is a compilation of about 40 different shots, and the tonal quality is off on some of them and some of them are a little sharp & flat so put it on the lo/qual speakers and have a listen --

-- TV

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