Ever since I was a shorter lad, photography has been a big part of my life. From my first Kodak Hawkeye Brownie, to building a Kodak 110 camera. I have shot, and developed several forms of film (also to include moving film, video and professional video), and now on to digital. I am pulled to the lure of being able to capture what I see, and broadcast some of that to others. A vision, a glimpse, and action or an emotion, I tend to always have a camera in hand, it is remarkable the feeling to be able to stop time with the sound of a shutter. To be able to capture the essence of a moment, and share some of those with you is my goal. Over the up coming days, weeks, and so on I will attempt to share some of the sights that the viewfinder presents.
Some of the shots may make you smile, Be Inspired, Shed A Tear, or just let you see someone elses point of view. Some may view this as a socal experiment others may just look at it as just another image. I look at it as a way that I can share God's great works. If the images touch just one of you, then I say "Job well done, now lets try it agen."

TASER Spark / Sun n Trees
More Images will follow, however I must say that all images are copyrighted. If you wish to use them please feel free to post to me and I can then get you a clean copy.
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