Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What Is Art?

A friend of mine and I were discussing Art and qualifications to be such. We resolved our issue in stating that art is something that can make a persons mind evoke thought of likes, dislikes, and other emotions. His argument prior to that was that a flaming bag of dog poo on the driveway was not a prank then, but(t) art as it invokes emotion and reaction. I am still working on a response to this, however I also do not expect to see some remove a print of a photograph that I have taken and stomp the living daylights (or nightlights) out of it. What are some of your feelings of what constitutes art? Hmmmm…


Eric said...

Art is evocative, visceral, and powerful. Any object or performance which makes me FEEL by experiencing it, is art.

KL2GY said...

Eric, Thank you.