Sunday, December 04, 2005

Things that go ouch!

Sharp objects are more terrifying than bullets: A new horror movie survey says that impaling is the most common way for celluloid evildoers to do away with their victims.

The new Web site surveyed 100 of the most popular horror movies produced since 1975. It found more than 1,700 violent acts, with nearly a quarter of those involved victims being impaled.

The most violent film was 2003's "Freddy vs. Jason," with 167 violent acts, according to the site. Steven Spielberg's 1975 film "Jaws" came in a surprising second, largely because of the number of times the great white shark chomped into its victims.

Honorable mention went to Tim Burton's 1999 film "Sleepy Hollow," which featured 27 beheadings.

Oddly enough, the "Halloween" films didn't receive a mention.

- TV

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