Monday, May 09, 2005

Another Hand or Mind.

There are times when it seams that their is too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I took a moment today and quickly counted off the irons that I had in the fire at that moment. Without thinking too hard I was able to come up with 9 things that I was actively working on, that moment. That was not to include listening to the three conversations going on around me. It seams crazy, like life is just screaming by, however remember this was a Sunday and I was not at the office. To me this was CALM, and I actually had time to sit back and count that I was working on. Is it odd when one feels that sensory deprivation is only having 5 things going on at once? Perhaps today’s title does not match my dribble today, let me redirect you to the last sentence of the last post, and I will add, "Eat your Pudding!" - TV

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