Monday, September 05, 2005

Friendly Tag

Tagged or Touched in the head? ----\/
I was tagged By my friend Eric:

What I was doing 10 Years Ago Today:
I was living in a little suburb north of Anchorage called Eagle River and running sled dogs with my fiancĂ©’ (now wife). I was working 3.5 Jobs, not because I had to, but because I had to. 1) as a Operations grunt for a local TV station, 2) A DJ at a radio station conglomerate, 3) at a Pet store as a sales person and where house worker, 3.5) operating my own audio production company doing voice work. Oh I also did on call Security work.

Five Years Ago:
I was embraced by Emergency Services, as an Emergency Dispatcher for one of our city’s 3 Police Departments. Now married I am still working 3 jobs, 1) @ the PD, 2) Still DJ’ing 3) still running the audio production co. Also active in one of the towns local Toastmasters clubs.

1 Year Ago:
Still in the embrace of Emergency Services, and have almost a year under my belt as a trainee dispatcher with the local fire department, departed their and went back to police dispatching for a while. Still happily married to the same beautiful person.

Kicked back and watched Sahara and Monster In Law, We were both taking it easy and my wife was feeling under the weather, Flu like bug.

Going to try to get more rest as I did not do such a good job at it last night. Need to clean the studio some more and get some of my framed photos on the wall instead of being in a pile on my desk. Need to see what the weather is going to be like to see if I can put out the flag.

The numbered things are in no particular order --

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Candy!
2. Pie!
3. Smoked Cheddar cheese
4. Chips
5. Steak

5 Bands That I Know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs:
1. Styx
2. YES
3. Boston
4. Petra
5. Monty Python 

5 Things I Would Do with $100,000,000:
1. Pay off debt
2. Look closer at Motor homes (Mini-Winnies / Realita etc)
3. Save – Put a big bunch in a fund for our Animals or just us someday
4. Learn to Fly
5. Add on to the studio

5 Locations I Would Like to Run Away to:
1. Closer to my Grandparents
2. My studio
3. Home
4. to be determined
5. to be determined

5 Bad Habits I Have:
1. Popping my knuckles
2. Dispatchers Turrets, Think it = say it, then think about it.
3. Prejudging people (however that has save my hinny a few times)
4. Not keeping up with my friends
5. Procrastination. It should have been first but I couldn’t get around to it.

5 Things I Like Doing:
1. Listening to my wife.
2. Coming up with new ideas
3. Laying on the couch watching bad movies
4. listening to music
5. Singing in the car, church, etc

5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1. My hair in a bun
2. Spandex
3. Leg warmers
4. Pimp Coat
5. Naughty piercing

5 TV Shows I Like:
1. ER
2. Third Watch
4. Anything Animal Planet / Nat Geo / Discovery Channel
5. Family Guy

5 Movies I Like:
1. Radio
2. Full Mettle Jacket
3. Documentaries
4. Shrek, Finding Nemo, Ice Age ect. Etc.
5. Movies which make me think for days about them

5 Famous People I Would Like to Meet (off the top of my head):
1. Neil Armstrong
2. Patrick F McManus (done it)
3. John Wayne
4. Al Roker
5. God

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. My Wife
2. My Family/Animals
3. Music
4. My Work
5. I like to, um, help people.

5 Favorite Toys:
1. My Studio
2. Sony P.S.P.
3. Cameras
4. computer equipment
5. Rotozip

5 Favorite Toys I Want!
1. Canon D-2
2. A killer PDA – Tungsten E3 or Like
3. Blackberry Phone
4. Heart pulse/o2 monitor
5. Motorcycle

The point is for the tagged individual to post their answers on their blog and tag other people if they so choose, much like a very friendly chain-letter.

I will now take a moment of silence for Sally ...


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